

Friday, August 15, 2014

2014 ~ carbon vessel interview -part 1-

"I don't care if you live or die...but if you don't take the medicine...you ARE going to die."
"It was so non emotional and blunt.", Jason C told me, in our August 16th interview.
Jason C (Jason Christopher) is a 40 year old singer, writer, songwriter, photographer, painter, performer and musician.
It seems like a thousand years ago that Anon, Jason C and I were setting up the amateurish backdrops for Anon's musical segments for Janella Jessica.
They have come a long way since the days of horrible sound quality and subpar music during The Janella Jessica Show days!
In this interview, we talked about life, death, the planet we live on, the times we live in, music and love.
This is 'The Carbon Vessel 2014 Interview'



On the morning of our interview, JASON C emerged from a dark musty room in the basement of Twenty South Entertainment's studio, blonde hair pulled back tight in a ponytail and smelling of fresh lavender and e-cig vapor.

P> Good morning Mr. Christopher!

JC> Good morning Ms. Jessica!

P> So, I already know about this but tell our readers about Bypass Ratio's birth!

JC> Hmmm, where to begin? Well, it all began with the launch of The Janella Jessica Show in early 2013, a show designed to earn money from views through Google AdSense on YouTube, which of course was an abysmal failure!

The objective of the show was to garner views with a savvy, avant-garde YouTube show that had humor, drama, political views and of course... MUSIC!

We created ANON 'The Anonymous Musician' to do the musical aspect of the show.
As 2013 rolled on though, the musical side of the show just sort of took over. Plus, the show was very difficult and time consuming to make, nobody watched it and it failed for its intended purpose but the music lived on!

In late 2013, we weren't quite sure yet how we were going to remake ourselves so we just sat down for many hours and brainstormed until our heads throbbed...and by December of 2013...Bypass Ratio was conceived!

P> Why do you thing Janella Jessica failed?

JC> Oh, a number of reasons. We didn't have the money to properly promote, we still don't for BPR, and we had to rely on the support of friends and people to spread the word about the show, and that never happened and when looking back, we were like..."Oh, people aren't smart enough to 'get' a show like this!" but viewing episodes of it today... it's pretty humorous to see how much that show truly sucked!
(JASON C laughs)

Don't get me wrong... I adore The Janella Jessica Show! I worked really hard on that show and Bypass Ratio would've never existed if it weren't for its existence, but it just didn't work... and it has been laid to rest, so to speak.


P> Tell us about the evolution of your music!

JC> We were super excited about the birth of Bypass Ratio! January of 2014, we wanted to start BPR off with a bang! Much intense planning went into the first single entitled "Frequency"!

Album Cover for Frequency

It was a strip club theme but the song actually was written with frequencies in the sky, in mind... from cell towers and such. It evolved into a sexual theme however, as many of our songs do. The video turned out amazing but we were still struggling with background noise and sound quality issues and we were still using borrowed drum loops. All in all though, it was a grand start!

Album Cover for Shake It

'Shake It' was our second single and one of my personal favorites! The video again, turned out awesome but the "pull out my eyelashes" frustration grew stronger and stronger with sound quality issues! So after the single "Dear Heavenly Father" (a classic Anon vocal and guitar only ballad) it was time to figure out how to create music with sound quality that didn't sound like shit...FOR FREE!

Album Cover for Dear Heavenly Father

P> And how did you accomplish this?

JC> We investigated on good ol' Google and asked some friends who also compose music electronically and we met our new best friend...LMMS!
It's actually a love/hate relationship because this software crashes a lot, you have to save your work over and over and over, even if it's just for one single note or click and the compatibility between LMMS and Video Pad Video Editor has a few issues but all in all, for the price...FREE...it is our new love!

This software changed everything, changed Bypass Ratio into a completely different entity! As I said before, there are some issues with it but not only is the sound quality very close to "studio quality" but it also allowed us to compose our own beats, our own sounds, our own music!
The days of static and borrowed drum loops were over and the true magic had begun!


P> What was the first single after the software discovery?

JC> Well, the "first single" ended up not going as planned.
When we first installed LMMS, we wanted to play around with it and learn how to use it.
We watched tutorials and experimented and our first lil' ditty turned out so well that it actually ended up being a published song on YouTube called "Daily Illusion". 

Album Cover for Daily Illusion

What was intended to be the first single was entitled "Like A Fanjet" which had been written, music composed and an entire video outlined and planned on paper, that would feature and star our friend Brittney Fox (to sing & act). She was to play Anon's girlfriend who ends up murdering him and then his ghost leads the cops to her. But she got busy with other projects and she was unable to participate in the video, so 'Fanjet' was put on hold.

Album Cover for Submissive

Often times the subject matter and mood of a song reflects what we are feeling or experiencing at that time. When "Submissive" was written, it was a time of great disgust for the power structure! 

And as always, there were a few snafus with the editing but all in all, we were extremely happy with the finished result and were proud to call Submissive...our first official single of 100% our own composed music!

[Mr. Christopher insisted upon a break so we walked around the grounds of Twenty South Studios and resumed the interview that evening!]

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